How to Give and Receive Feedback

Amanda Syifa Ariqoh
3 min readApr 4, 2022


Generasi Gigih 2.0 — Soft Skill Class

Feedback is an unavoidable part of our lives. Feedback can come from anywhere, from anyone, and under any circumstances. There are two types of feedback, namely constructive feedback and destructive feedback. So, in this medium, I will share a bit about how to give and receive feedback, and also, I will share the most memorable feedback I have ever had.

As I mentioned above, feedback can come from anywhere. good feedback will make us and others grow together. The question is…

What is Good Feedback? How to Give a Good Feedback?

Good and constructive feedback is the kind of feedback that will contribute to a better, improved and positive outcome.

In order to give and receive good and constructive feedback, we need a framework to help our thinking. One well-known formula is called the S-B-I Framework (Situation-Behaviour-Impact Framework). By using this framework, we can make good and constructive feedback.

Here is the explanation of the framework,

  1. Situation — In this step of giving feedback, we should explain the specific situation or behavior that matters.
  2. Behavior — At this stage, the problem or behavior that becomes the problem must be detailed. This prevents misfocus. So, we can focus on the issue and not the person.
  3. Impact — and for this step, we should explain what is the impact that happened because of that problem or behavior. This should be based on the observations and have evidence so that we can build a solution for that problem.

That is all for giving feedback.. how about receiving feedback?

Tips that can be done when getting feedback are:
Listen to the feedback given, Introspect themselves, and Fix it.

When we get feedback, we must open our minds. Because.. there’s a chance it’s true. That’s called Blind Self, where we don’t know about it but others do know. So, being calm and accepting is the best attitude when it comes to receiving feedback.

and here I will share the most memorable feedback I have ever had! Actually, I got this feedback when I first became the leader of a department in an organization. At that time, I was worried about the leadership style that I brought to the department. So, one of my friends gave this feedback..

Being a leader is not easy, one of the difficulties is getting yourself into the department you are in. Maybe you feel that you have to be like A or you have to do B. But really, the essence of leadership is how you can adapt the model you imagine to your leadership style. Leadership style between one leader and another must be different, you don’t have to be A, you don’t have to do B, all you have to do is believe in your abilities, capabilities, and your leadership style. Also, always listen to the input given by the staff. With that, your staff will easily trust and follow you.

That was so memorable for me. With that feedback, I gain again my confidence and lead my department until the end of the organizational period. Thank you, dear, my friend!

In summary, giving and receiving feedback will give opportunity to us grow not only as a person but collectively grow!

Thank you.

